Pentedattilo Ghost Town

Pentedattilo is an impressive old village in southern Calabria. The village is a 45 minute drive from Reggio. The nearest destination which can be reached by public transport is Melito Porto Salvo or Saline Joniche.

The town is surrounded by five cuts, reminiscent five fingers. It got its name from the Byzantine word Pentedáktilos, which means just five fingers. The site was probably first inhabited in “Magna Graecia” period. The village was also active under Roman rule, perhaps as a military garrison located towards the inner regions of Calabria.

Pentedattilo was severely damaged by an earthquake in 1783, which led to large parts of the population migrated to Melito Porto Salvo. Today Pentedattilo called “The Ghost Town”. It was abandoned for more than 40 years ago. The city remained completely uninhabited until the 1980s when it was partially restored.

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The area consists of a typical lunar landscape, which probably contributed to its fame. It makes the place a popular landscape painters, photographers and other artists. In recent years, these attempted to revive the village, with many cultural as well as artistic performances. Pentedattilo has become a “must-see” attraction when visiting the region.

Upon walking through the deserted streets and houses, which seem to have been built on top of each other, you get the feeling of being thrown back in time. One should also visit Candelora church and the remains of the nearby Domenican Convent.

Every summer there is a festival that celebrates the Hellenic culture.

Between august and september a short film festival also takes place.